Lay a New Lawn

Posted on March 7, 2024 at 12:45 pm

A lawn is one of the most important features in a garden. It provides an important refreshing green foil for colourful flowering plants and a place for the family to relax and play. However, in order for it to be a success, much careful thought and preparation are necessary during its establishment. As long as you do proper preparations and follow a few simple guidelines, the perfect lawn could be just a few short steps away.
Preparing the ground

When preparing the site for your new lawn, it is important to clear the area of all obstacles which may pose a threat to the successful bedding-in of your new lawn. This involves getting rid of any old grass, weeds, roots, stones or the like which may be lurking in the area. Level the ground and fork over it using a rake to achieve an even surface before proceeding to tread the soil in with your feet, and raking the site once more. At this point, you may additionally wish to scatter some fertilizer over the soil.

Laying the turf

Beginning the process along a straight edge of the area to be covered, carefully unroll the turves to create a straight row ensuring there are no gaps between the rolls. Use the back of your rake to lightly firm the turf and make sure contact with the soil is good. Continue to lay your turves in consecutive rows to form a good shape. In order to avoid walking over your turf that you have already laid, place wooden planks over the completed areas. It is best to lay the turf beyond the designated area and then trim the edges to achieve the neatest finish possible. Now your turf is laid, keep it moist until it is well established and avoid walking on it or mowing it for at least two weeks after the date of laying.

Looking after your new lawn

Turf can be laid all year round, yet the best time to lay your lawn is during the autumn months. Turf will establish itself most quickly on soil that is warm and moist, the autumn rain and is, therefore, a great asset. Though, whichever season you choose to lay your lawn, the key to keeping it healthy and looking beautiful is in the care you provide in the days and months after it has been laid. With autumn being the best time for carrying out repairs and maintenance, the key to success in spring and summer is regular mowing. A general rule that applies throughout the year is keeping your lawn free of any leaves and debris and ensuring drainage is good; even through the winter months when your lawn’s maintenance demands are few. The rewards will be clear as your lawn remains luscious, green and healthy, providing a constant flow of compliments all year round.

A lawn is a great addition to any home. It adds value to the home in case you would want to sell it in future and also makes your home beautiful. Follow the above guidelines to make the best lawn from turf and have a green place to relax on sunny Sundays.

Posted in Lawn Maintenance